Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hall of Flame

On Saturday we got a tour of the Hall of Flame Museum. It is a place where they have old fire fighting equioment. We got to climb on one of the fire trucks. The sirens were loud. The trucks are classic and range from the 1800's to the 2000's. We had fun!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

AZ Science Center

On Saturday January 9th we went to the Arizona Science Center. We saw an exhibit about Robots. We also saw a disecting of a cow eye. It was interesting. Everybody had a good time. We had a picnic lunch at Heritage Square outside the Science Center.

January TAA Meeting

This month we had our TAA elections. We had ballots and elected our officers. We will post a picture of the 2010 TAA officers soon!! After our elections we had open mic night and everyone got a chance to speak, sing, tell jokes and poems or whatever they wanted to do. We had great fun.